Small Holder Range All Round Goat Mix
Allen & Page All-Round Goat Mix provides a balanced diet for all mature goats, with essential vitamins and minerals to ensure good overall health.
Price: £17.09
o Suitable for all mature goats
o Feed alongside forage ration
o Provides additional nutrients
o Balanced with key vitamins and minerals
o Contains only Non-GM ingredients
o Approved by Vegetarian Society
Allen & Page All-Round Goat Mix is suitable for all mature goats including pets, fibre goats and Golden Guernseys. Concentrated feed should top up the hay or roughage that forms the basis of a goat's diet. Adult goats will usually eat at least 1-2kg of hay a day but milkers may need up to 3.5kg of hay a day. For a goat that is not producing milk, 0.5-1.0kg of concentrate a day should be enough to maintain condition, ideally split between 2 or 3 feeds. Allen & Page All-Round Goat Mix is balanced with essential vitamins and minerals to provide a complete diet and complement the forage, which will form the majority of your goats diet. It contains only non-GM ingredients and is free from animal products, approved by the vegetarian society for a naturally healthy diet.