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If you return an item to us within 14 days in perfect condition and it's complete with the original packaging, we will be happy to refund you with the original price. Please note that unfortunately the following cannot be returned unless faulty: DVD's, products whose security seal has been broken, perishable items (such as food and supplements) and certain items that cannot be returned for safety and/or hygiene reasons, such as riding hats and body protectors. This does not affect your statutory rights.

You must make your own arrangements to return goods to us and you will be responsible for the cost of return unless goods are faulty. We recommend that you obtain proof of postage as you are responsible for the returned goods until they arrive in our warehouse.

Faulty Products

We know from time to time faulty products occur. We wish to resolve the problem as quickly as possible for you. If you can take a digital photo of the faulty product and e-mail it to us we may be able to resolve it without having to have the goods returned. We cannot guarantee that a solution can be reached this way and still may require the item to be returned.

All faulty items should be returned in a clean condition for health and safety reasons.

Gift cards/Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.

If you wish to exchange an item, we follow a slightly different procedure to most other businesses.

Firstly you will need to contact us using the returns form to let us know that you are returning the item, you will need to also state on the form your original order number and that you wish to exchange.

If you then purchase the new item that you want from the site, we can get it sent out straight away.

Upon receipt of your returned item, we will issue the refund.

This works out alot faster than a normal exchange as we can send out your order as soon as you have placed it meaning you do not have to wait for us to receive your return before we can send out your replacement item.

How to Return an Item

Please complete the online returns form and submit it to us. Please then print the form to return with the goods.