Small Holder Range Ewe Nuts
Allen & Page Ewe Nuts contain all essential vitamins and minerals, ideal as a maintenance feed around time of lambing or when grazing is poor.
Price: £15.33
o Suitable for ewes around lambing
o Can be used as a maintenance feed
o All essential vitamins and minerals
o Supports healthy development
o Non-GM ingredients
o Vegetarian Society Approved
Allen & Page Ewe Nuts are designed to be fed to those in poor condition prior to tupping. Usually this is fed about 2 week before and then tailed off afterwards. Then fed again about 6 to 8 weeks before lambing so giving the lamb all the vitamins and minerals needed for good development. Like all new feeds the Ewe Nuts should be introduced gradually. They can also be fed as a maintenance feed when grazing is poor or limited to help ewes to maintain good overall condition and provide essential extra nutrients. Ewe Nuts contain only non-GM ingredients, are free from animal products and have been approved by the Vegetarian society.