Korsteel Hollow Mouth Loose Ring Snaffle
This horse bit has a single jointed hollow mouthpiece and loose rings. It is made from stainless steel.
Price: From £13.98
Hollow Mouthpiece Bits:
This bit is a lightweight bit due to the fact it is hollow! The hollow mouth bits should be checked regularly as sometimes with them being hollow they can dent if the horse chews. The Hollow mouthed bits are renowned for being milder or kinder than the solid mouth pieces, this is because the hollow mouthpieces are thicker in diameter which means the pressure of the mouthpiece on the lips is
distributed over a larger area. This may be the case for those horses who have enough room in their mouths, but it also may prove uncomfortable in some cases (e.g. those horses with thicker lips and thicker tongues) and may result in the horse not being able to close their mouths as they have too much in there! -
Please be aware that if you use such a thick bit, not to use it with a flash noseband as you may restrict your horse from swallowing.
Loose Ring Snaffles:
The loose rings snaffles make a more mobile bit than an eggbutt or fixed cheek bit, which should encourage your horse to keep a relaxed jaw and mouth the bit. The loose ring may be useful if your horse leans on the bit, or takes hold, as the bit is always movable so the horse cannot take hold as easily as they could with a fixed cheek. This bit is also useful for gaining contact as the movable mouthpiece enables the bit to fit the mouth, contour the tongues natural position and sit comfortably.