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Omega Equine Psyllium

Omega Equine Psyllium

Naturally supporting comfortable, regular, and healthy guts in equines.

Price: From £24.99

Psyllium, made from the seed husks of the Plantago ovata plant, is dense in dietary fibre. For this reason, it's a highly regarded supplement for supporting and maintaining digestive health, both in humans and equines.

Omega Equine's Psyllium supports in the following ways:

- Assists with the natural management and removal of sand, which can collect in the gut. This is particularly useful for equines grazing on sandy soil or short grass
- Aids the body's usual process of excreting unwanted foreign bodies, such as indigestible roughage.
- Helps the digestive tract process feed smoothly and regularly, achieving comfortable gastric movement
- Helps maintain overall digestive and gut health, resulting in a sustained healthy weight, consistent nutrition absorption, a resilient immune system.